Joey Barnard
| Master of Migration Law
| Senior Migration Professional
Sunshine Coast & Regional Queensland
MARA 1277481. Master of Migration Law & Practice (MMLP); BCouns, Grad Cert (Creative Writing), Grad Cert Migration Law, DipProp, GCML&P, Cert IV (Celeb), Associate Degree (General Studies – psychology). Current enrolment: JD & BLaws.
Joey Barnard is the founder and principle member, and is a MARA registered migration professional. She holds several degrees, including a Master in Migration Law & Practice. She is passionate about her work as migration agent and specialises in complex cases, including waivers, partner, parent, child, and skilled visas. Her interest in psychology and business compliments her work as migration agent. Joey mentors final semester migration law students, supervises work placements, is the founder of the successful Facebook forum South Africans migrating to Australia (SAMTA) and a support network for migration professionals (with almost 3000 Mara registered agents / migration professionals). Joey was key to bringing a very fragmented profession together with her innovative idea of migration professionals collaborating and supporting one another, an idea unheard of in a highly competitive industry. These forums are changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of migrants. Apart from her passion for migration law, she also climbs mountains, with Kilimanjaro being ‘her’ mountain. She has climbed Kili 4 times, and plans 3 back-2-back climbs in 2024. Her breath of life is her grandchild. A visionary with a deep faith.